Facility Manager Log 2021-08-27
Operations for 2021-02-16 consisted of visiting the building throughout the day to find out if power has been restored. Power has been out due to severe winter weather. The electrical panels are shut off to prevent power surge, except for lighting. Once electrical service has been restored, we will undergo a controlled startup. We may have to delay the startup until Friday, however. More severe weather is expected, which could result in further power outages. The facility may not be mission capable until Friday or the weekend.
Meeting with the CEO and COO, we thought through operations for the coming days. Phone service was switched to take messages. Notifications sent out to staff regarding the state of operations. I have provided my opinion regarding our probable by Friday. Staff is on standby until my inspection on 2021-02-17 at 7 am. If power has been restored, staff will come in to work. However, we expect that power could be cut at any time, requiring us to cease operations. We are not under pressure to open for business. Nor is our organization an essential service to the community that must be available on demand. Therefore, our building has some leeway in deciding when to reopen for business.
Cleaning staff is on standby. If we do reoccupy the building, even partially, it will be necessary to have cleaning service as well. After the 7 am inspection, I will consult with the C-suite and discuss whether we should reopen or wait.